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Attracting Buyers: Increasing Your Home’s Curb Appeal

May 9, 2013

Spring is the busiest real estate buying season and if your home is on the market you might be a little stressed wanting your home and your “curb appeal” to look amazing. With so much rain and cooler temperatures in the Midwest, it may be tempting to let the outside appearance of your home slide until the warmer and dryer weather comes. Here are some ways for attracting buyers and increasing your homes curb appeal despite the weather.

One of the most effective and efficient ways to give your home’s exterior a bright and clean look is with the power washer. Your front porch isn’t the only one in the neighborhood that has a layer of dirt and salt scum. Renting or borrowing a friend’s power washer is the best way to give your home’s exterior the thorough cleaning it needs. Don’t forget to spray the windows too. Gleaming, spotless windows can make your home look like a million bucks.

Between showers, clean out the flower beds. Leaves and stick may have piled up in the winter. To make your landscaping beds more presentable, trim ornamental grasses. Trim hostas to the ground and prune shrubs and rose bushes. Forsythias and rhododendrons bloom in mid-April to early May and an important part of curb appeal is shaping these shrubs for the best visual effect. Trim these spring blooming shrubs once their flowers have faded to keep your plant healthy and more buds for the next homeowner the following year.

Once you’ve cleaned out the flower beds, you can move on to the bigger trees in your yard. It’s best to cross the street and look at your entire yard before you start. You’ll be amazed by the number of low-hanging branches you’ll see blocking the view to your home. By trimming those low-hanging branches, you’ll give potential buyers a clear look at your house when they drive by.

One way to add color to your home’s exterior eve if it’s still chilly weather outside is with plants in containers. Adding colorful pots and vibrant annuals to your front porch, down the front steps as well as your flower beds is a practical way to add curb appeal. And if a frost is predicted, you can bring the containers inside over night to save your flowers.

Another essential part of improving your home’s curb appeal is cleaning out your gutters. Winter storms have leaves and sticks hanging out of your gutters. Clean gutters give your home a trim and tidy appearance. Dirty gutters are an eyesore and a turn off to potential buyers.
Adding mulch is another way to improve your home’s curb appeal. Last year’s mulch is faded and not as vibrant as it once was, spread and blown about your yard. Adding a new thick layer works wonders at freshening up your flower beds and landscaping.

Finally, don’t forget to edge the driveway to give your driveway a crisp, elegant look. This can be accomplished with bricks, pavers or stone that’s level with your driveway. Between the spring showers add some grass seed and fertilizer to keep the weeds out and your grass looking its greenest.

By following these tips for improving your home’s curb appeal, you’re chances are greater when it comes to attracting more potential buyers.

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